
Stenabolic SR9009

60 Caps
Increase Endurance & Maximize Fat Loss

Stenabolic uses body fat that is stored and uses it as energy for exercise. SR9009 is a PPAR alphamodifier similar to Cardarine. Stenabolic SR9009 stimulates the Rev-Erb protein. Research has shownthat activating Rev-erb protein provides muscles with extra energy as well as giving the metabolismenhanced speed. This supplement affects both endurance/cardio performance as well as supportingweight loss. Stenabolic SR9009 is beloved among endurance athletes.

Benefits of using Ostraine SR9009:

  • Increased exercise capacity and endurance
  • Less fat stored in the muscles
  • Increases lean muscle mass
  • Weight loss without dieting
  • Increases running capacity up to 50 percent

Stenabolic SR9009 10 mg